How to spot a qualified will writer
Published: 19/06/2013
After recommendations to regulate Will writing were rejected by the Lord Chancellor, the Law Society has taken matters into its own hands and devised a new Will-writing kite mark.
The Will Writing Quality Scheme (WQS) follows the Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) and aims to set ‘minimum practice standards for firms advising on Will writing and estate administration'.
The original calls for regulation came after a two-year investigation by the Legal Services Board (LSB) revealed nearly 10 per cent of Wills produced by unqualified Will writers would fail due to invalid execution. As a result loved ones would be left vulnerable despite the testator’s best intentions.
Linda Cummins, Head of Wills and Probate at Goldsmith Williams, is encouraged by this latest development:
“Whilst we remain disappointed by the government’s decision not to regulate Will writing, the Law Society’s scheme is a definite step forward.
“Goldsmith Williams has been an accredited member of the Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme since 2011 so we understand firsthand how such a rubber stamp can help improve standards within the industry as well as offering consumers excellent guidance to ensure their case is handled by a specialist.”
The scheme will launch in July with firms able to join from September.
Content correct at time of publication