Great News - Remortgage offer now extended!!!

Published: 15/12/2009

Could you do with some extra cash this Christmas?

Benefit greatly from our fees free alternative. The festive season is now upon us and our 25/7 remortgage deal is offering you TRIPLE the earnings!!

Instruct GW on a £200 cash back case instead of opting for the lenders fee free alternative and earn yourself £50 per case. Why not instruct us on a £250 cash back and you could earn yourself a whopping £75 per case 9terms and conditions apply)

For more information regarding the benefits of this offer, click here 25/7. Don't miss out, get instructing today...offer is now on-going until further notice.

If you wish to speak with our sales team, please call 0845 373 3737

Content correct at time of publication

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