Can I Buy A House If I'm Single?

Published: 07/03/2018

Single women more likely to purchase property than men

Single women are much more likely to buy a property solo compared to single men, reports from both Australia and the US suggest.

According to 2017 stats from the National Association of Realtors in the US, single women account for 17 percent of homebuyers, whereas single men make up just seven percent.

Similarly, in Australia, women are much more likely than men to be planning some sort of real estate action in the next five years.

The survey of 1000 Australians by Westpac bank found that this included buying a home (28 percent of women versus 20 percent of men), buying an investment (16 percent, 13 percent), selling a property (17 percent, 1 percent) and renovating (29 percent, 27 percent).

Reasons for purchasing property listed by women in both countries included: The desire to have a house of one’s own; that it made more financial sense than renting; that it was a good investment for the future; and a desire not to wait until marriage and children (if that ever does arrive!) to jump onto the property ladder. Men, on the other hand, generally commented that they would rather wait until they are settled down to purchase their first home.

No studies have looked into this trend in the UK yet, but if New York, Sydney and Melbourne are anything to go by, we may soon see more single ladies purchasing houses here too.

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