What Are The Best Christmas Trees?
Published: 18/12/2018
Is decorating the tree one of your favourite things about Christmas? Us too! There’s few moments more special than admiring your festive handy work once the sun goes down, lights on and glittering, family gathered around, everybody with a hot cuppa or cheeky eggnog, and maybe even a few carols playing. Is that scene too much?! Who are we kidding? As soon as December hits, there is no such thing as too much Christmas cheer.
It’s not just the decorations that make the tree, though. Loads of Brits prefer real trees, while others spend thousands of pounds on elaborate replicas with all sorts of fancy features such as fibre-optic lights or varying shades of colour made especially popular thanks to American celebs and influencers flaunting their fabulous fakes on Instagram. Everyone’s Christmas tastes are different.
Here at team GW, we believe that our Christmas tree preference reflects us as a organisation - we are a traditional family firm but with a modern edge. Our gorgeous tree, homed in our office reception area, is a classic real pine made festive with teal-coloured decorations (the colour of our firm’s logo) as opposed to tradition reds, greens or golds.
To help our clients get into the festive mood, we thought we’d round up some of our favourite place to get your trees ahead of December 25…
The Best Real Christmas Trees
- Norway Spruce Christmas Trees
Popular in Britain since the Victorian times, these beautiful pines grow naturally in the country. They have characteristic short, bright green, pointed needles. The best place to buy a Norway Spruce is in the Gloucester area, where you can even visit the pine-filled Forest of Dean (you’ll get the reference if you’re a Harry Potter fan!).
- Nordmann Fir
This type of tree remains Britain’s best seller, largely because it retains it needles longer so you don’t need to hoover, or at least not so often. The former medieval kingdom of West Sussex is the best area to find a perfect Nordmann Fir to brighten up your living room. There’s lots to do in West Sussex too. Check out some of the activities available for the whole fam to enjoy on the Visit England website.
- Blue Spruce
Although more popular in the States, the Blue Spruce can also be purchased right here in the UK in Staffordshire. Be warned though, these festive pines are prickly, given their needles are so symmetrical and form-holding. They look fabulous, but best kept away from little ones. If you are interested in heading to Staffordshire, this link might be useful.
- Fraser Fior
This is the best-selling real Christmas tree in America. The Obamas even had one when they were in office. If you have your heart set on a Fraser Fior, the best place in the UK to secure one is Scotland.
The Best Artificial Christmas Trees
- A 6ft gold beauty by Sfeer voor jou
Photographs can’t do the tone of this beautiful artificial pine by Dutch label Sfeer voor jour justice. It’s a gorgeous, subtle gold colour that doesn’t at all look tacky and catches the light wonderfully. Perfect to brighten up a trendy flat or studio. Buy it at Wayfair.
- This 7ft Cosmic Light Feel-Real Iceland Fir
Available to purchase at Hayes Garden World, this somewhat pricey tree (£749.99) is a real stunner. It comes with in-built lights in a rainbow of subtle, festive colors, in addition to artificial frosting to create the illusion of snow. It’s so eye-catching you don’t even need to add decorations to it.
- A super realistic 6ft Fir tree by Balsam Hill
This ‘Candlelight Clear LED’ tree looks identical to a real pine, but without the hassle, given it comes with LED lights already assembled. It is also available in a range of sizes. Check it out here.
- Robert Dyas Norfolk Grey Shimmer Christmas Tree
If ‘winter wonderland’ is your Christmas theme of choose, than look no further than this glittery grey and silver tree complete with 300 warm white lights built in. It’s dreamy, subtle and perfect for any house or flat. Take a peak at the Robert Dyas online shop.
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