How the Dutch could help reduce road traffic accidents

Published: 07/06/2013

Dutch-inspired roundabouts which separate cyclists from other road users could be implemented in London next year, according to the City’s Cycling Commissioner.

The new system, which will help make cyclists more visible to other road users when exiting a roundabout, was prompted by calls from campaigners to make the capital’s roads safer after two cyclists were killed at the same junction in separate road traffic accidents just three weeks apart.

According to the Department of Transport’s Reported Road Casualties 2011 Annual Report, there were nearly 20,000 road traffic accidents involving cyclists, an increase of 2,030 on 2010.

The trials are currently taking place at a research centre in Berkshire with hopes that, if they continue to go well, they will be implemented as soon as 2014. Members of the public are welcome to participate.

Content correct at time of publication

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