Conveyancer fees – great value for money!
Published: 13/03/2014
Estate Agents hit the headlines last week with the report from the HomeOwners Alliance that their fees are more than fifty percent higher than those charged by lawyers. Media coverage also highlighted that the level of fees charged by Agents was often not transparent nor was the information easy to access.
"In contrast with this conveyancing has undergone a quiet revolution,’ observed Eddie Goldsmith, Senior Partner at property solicitors Goldsmith Williams. ‘Whilst commentators have noted that the hourly rate for Estate Agents is fifty percent higher than lawyers they haven’t highlighted that now many conveyancers offer fixed fees and a full quote at the point of instruction giving clients certainty over their charges.
Moreover, at the heart of the conveyancing transaction is a highly qualified and skilled professional securing legal title upon what, for most people, is their single biggest purchase and greatest lifetime asset – that’s something worth paying for!
Added to that is the increase in “value for money” that conveyancing services offer. Recent initiatives such as the development of the Conveyancing Association Protocols and the Law Society’s proposed launch of the Conveyancing Portal, scheduled to go live later on this year both demonstrate an industry focused on streamlining their services to improve delivery.
Clients also benefit from the wider professional services that can be accessed through many conveyancers. For example, in my own firm we always look at the basis for property ownership alongside the conveyancing transaction advising clients on which of the two bases for ownership – Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common is best for their circumstances.
Brokers can be confident when recommending the services of a conveyancing firm that they are directing their clients to a service delivered by professionally qualified specialists and guided by industry bodies who are driving initiatives to speed up processes, deliver continuous improvements and increase value for money.’
Content correct at time of publication