Broker recommendation bolsters client confidence in conveyancers
Published: 30/07/2013
A mixed picture emerged from the recently published Legal Services Consumer Panel Annual Tracker Survey. Whilst on the one hand people who have taken up legal services remain happy with their lawyer this contrasts with general feedback of falling confidence in lawyers’ honesty and their handling of complaints.
‘The information about the feedback of actual clients reflects the findings of our own Customer Satisfaction Surveys observed Eddie Goldsmith, Senior Partner at Goldsmith Williams. ‘We see high satisfaction scores from our clients in the vast majority of cases and indeed we also see a significant proportion of past clients returning to us to take up further legal services from us.
However we’re not complacent and as a firm we’ve taken the findings of this report very seriously. We already have a robust process in place to deal with the small number of complaints we receive and we’ve recently taken the opportunity to tighten that still further. But we do recognise that some potential clients view the legal profession with cynicism and we’re constantly looking for ways to reassure clients and prospective clients for conveyancing and remortgage about the service we offer.
I believe that brokers have a significant part to play in building client confidence in all aspects of their property transaction. Our experience shows that clients turn to brokers to gain some advice on who to entrust with their conveyancing or remortgage instructions.
We know that clients appreciate the broker giving them the benefit of the networks they’ve established, and their expertise to recommend a reputable and skilled legal firm to handle their property case.
After all successful brokers thrive by meeting their clients’ needs and instilling clients with full confidence about all aspects of their property transaction.’
Content correct at time of publication